Our Governors
Please find below details of our Governing Board members
Parent Governor
Emily Lambert
Chair of Governors - Parent Governor
Having been a pupil at Hopping Hill and now as a mother of 3 children at the school it is with great pleasure I am now able to represent the school on the governing body.
Leanne Chapman
Parent Governor
I am pleased to be welcomed on to the board of governors here at Hopping Hill and look forward to supporting the school, sharing my knowledge and ensuring all children have a voice. As part of the wellbeing and standards committee I would like to ensure the school continues to provide a friendly and healthy learning environment for all.
Martine Soldano
Parent Governor
As parent to three children who attend Hopping Hill, a former pupil myself and now an experienced Primary School Teacher, I feel privileged to be able to help the school move forward with their ongoing journey of success.
Co-Opted Governor
Arosha Bandara
Vice Chair of Governors - Co-Opted Governor
I am a Duston resident, who works as an academic in Computing for The Open University in Milton Keynes. Our family moved to the area in 2014, and we were very pleased when our son was offered a place at Hopping Hill because we found the school to have an excellent atmosphere for learning and a commitment to helping children achieve their maximum potential.
David Reeves
Co-opted Governor
Following early retirement from a job in IT consultancy, I volunteered with a national reading support charity who placed me at Hopping Hill. I was very impressed by the school, its atmosphere and ethos, and so when I was asked if I would consider being a governor, I was delighted to accept.