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Our School

Information for Visitors

Arrival Information 

On arrival, you must sign in at reception. A visitors’ lanyard will be given to you; you must wear this at all times during your visit to our school. Please make sure it is visible.

Please ensure that you sign out when exiting the school site and hand the visitor’s badge/lanyard back to reception.

In accordance with current safeguarding guidelines, visitors who are not enhanced DBS checked will be given a red lanyard and escorted at all times. We appreciate your understanding of this protocol.

If you are a visitor who regularly visits us, or several different schools, as part of your duties, you or your manager should have supplied a member of school staff with written confirmation that a satisfactory enhanced DBS check has been carried out. You will be given an orange lanyard and will not need to be escorted.

School staff wear a blue lanyard (some staff members who have a disability might choose to wear a sunflower lanyard). All staff will have an ID Badge. AMEY staff who are responsible for the site, do not wear a lanyard but have ID upon their person.

Staff are asked to be vigilant of our visitor protocols, so please do not take offence if you are questioned regarding this. 

Appropriate Behaviour

As a visitor, please remember we expect you to follow our Code of Conduct, a copy of which is available from the office.

* Behave appropriately as role models for children.

* Treat everyone with respect and kindness.

* Use language suitable for a school environment.

* Never use a personal camera, including mobile phone cameras, to take photographs or record without prior permission being given.

* Follow the instructions of staff members who will be acting in the best interests of children and other adults on site.

* Our school operates a no-smoking/ vaping policy throughout the entire site.

* Mobile phones are only permitted to be used in adult spaces - the main office, staff offices and the staff room. At all other times they must be on silent/switched off and secured away.

* If you are a professional who is given permission to use the school wi-fi, you  must not share the password with anyone, and you are expected to follow the school’s acceptable use agreement. This will be given to you.

Our School Dog

Bella Wellbeing DogWe have a school well-being dog – Bella.  She has an important role in school offering support, as well as providing the children with experiences in interactive with animals on a regular basis.

Please inform the office if you are allergic or wish the dog to be kept away from you.


The safety of our children is paramount. Everyone on site, including visitors, is responsible for safeguarding children and must be aware of our procedures.

These are the members of our Safeguarding Team.  Please ask a member of the school office if you need help locating one of the team.

If you have a concern about the well-being or safety of a child, discuss this with the DSL or DDSL as soon as possible. This must be before the child leaves school that day.

If you have a concern about a member of staff, discuss this with the Head Teacher, or in their absence, the Deputy Head Teacher.

If you have a concern about the Head Teacher, discuss this with the Chair of Governors, Emily Lambert. Contact details are available at the school office or via the Clerk to the Governors:


Mrs Michelle White

Deputy Head Teacher

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Jo Fantarrow

Head Teacher

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Liz Doughty

Assistant Head Teacher


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Jamie Pell

Assistant Head Teacher

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Rebecca Cronin

Family Support Worker

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Dealing with a  Disclosure

Below is advice on what to do if a child speaks to you about a worry or about their safety.

· Listen to what is being said without displaying shock or disbelief

· Be patient

· Only ask questions when necessary to clarify. ·These questions should be open-ended, such as “ What happened?”

· “Can you tell me more about that?”

· You can ask clarifying questions such as

· “When did it happen?” 

· “Where did it happen?”

· Do not ask questions that are leading such as

· “ Did dad/ mum do that?”

· “ Did someone hit you?”

· Accept what is being said. Allow the child to talk freely – do not put words in the child’s mouth.

· Reassure the child that they have done the right thing in telling you.

· Do not make promises that you may not be able to keep, including confidentiality.

· Do not make judgements about anything or anyone.

· Explain that you will need to pass what they have said on to a staff member who can help.

· Before you leave the child make sure they feel safe. You will need to tell their teacher or an adult in their year group that they have told you something that you need to speak to a member of  the safeguarding team about. This is so that the child can go to another adult while you speak to the DSL or DDSL.

· Speak to a DSL as soon as possible who will advise you further and offer support to you.

Contact Us

Hopping Hill Primary School, Pendle Rd, Duston, Northamptonshire NN5 6DT United Kingdom

01604 751625